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ACF AI/AN EC Needs Assessment Design Project – New Report

From our partners -- ACF and Mathematica

Subject: ACF AI/AN EC Needs Assessment Design Project – New Report

Dear American Indian/Alaska Native Early Childhood Needs Assessment Community of Learning,

We are pleased to share the latest report following up our previous work together. Understanding American Indian and Alaska Native Early Childhood Needs: The Potential of Existing Data presents preliminary work in support of an early childhood needs assessment for American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) children prenatal to age five. This work explores Design One from the framework that stemmed for our conversations to use existing data to describe the population of AI/AN children and families and their participation in early childhood services.

We thank you again for your contributions and dedication to the AI/AN EC Needs Assessment Design Project and hope you find this information useful in your work.

With sincere gratitude,

The Mathematica team

_____________ Lizabeth M. Malone, Ph.D. Senior Survey Researcher Mathematica Policy Research 1100 1st Street, NE, 12th floor

Washington, DC 20002-4221 Phone: 202-264-3488 Fax: 202-863-1763

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