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Stay up-to-date with what's happening in Tribal child care.
Join Renowned Child Care & Development Experts at NICCA's 2017 Biennial Conference
September 12-14, 2017 Pre-conference: September 11, 2017 River Spirit Casino Resort We are gearing up for the NICCA's 2017 Biennial...
FY2018 Budget Makes Cuts to Critical Programs for Children and Families
From Child Care Aware of America - The FY 2018 budget proposal by the Trump administration was released today. And it’s not looking good...
Did you miss it? Your voice is still important -- so call TODAY!
Yesterday was the national day of action on child care! If you called your elected officials -- THANK YOU! If you missed it, that's okay!...
What does the election mean for Tribal child care?
As a Presidential candidate, President-Elect Donald Trump pledged to make it easier for families to get child care. From his campaign...
Joint HHS/Department of Education (ED) policy statements
The Administration for Children and Families has released a number of joint HHS/Department of Education (ED) policy statements of...
Quarterly NICCA Newsletter is on the way!
If you are a member of NICCA, your quarterly newsletter will be arriving to your inbox soon! We have lots of information and resources to...
Announcing the 2016 Child Care Law Summer Retreat Series
Ronald V. McGuckin and Associates, a law firm that specializes in child care law and policy, has announced their 2016 Summer Retreat...
Soliciting Tribal CCDF Program Comments
Make your voice heard! The National Indian Child Care Association is soliciting feedback from Tribal CCDF Grantees on several topics: (1)...
Webinar: Soliciting Comments on the CCDF Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
Make your voice heard! With the re-authorization of the Child Care and Development Fund last year, the Administration for Children and...
Policy Statement on Inclusion of Children With Disabilities in Early Childhood Programs
This week the U.S. Departments of Health and Human Services and Education released a policy statement highlighting the importance of...
Senate to Consider Strong Start Amendment to ESEA
Today, the Senate will begin deliberations on the reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). Senator Bob Casey...
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